Tuesday 21 November 2023

The Golden Age Of The Hollywood Stars.

Here's a strange different and wonderful double L/P....full of Dialogue & songs from 50 films from 1926 till 1949 made by Warner Bros....I guess it wont be everybodys cup of tea but its a great nostalgic romp of yesteryear....Its a pity that there are no gaps in the tracks so I had to record them as Side 1-4...and you will have to check the playing list to get what films the track is from....nothing I could do about that the tracks are too close together to separate them.....The L/P sleeve has a 12 page booklet inside that is full of pictures and information on the films featured... very difficult to scan otherwise I would have tried to scan some pages....be interested to have some comments from people who decide to give it go and a listen......

Side One                                                         Side Two                              Side Three

      Side Four                                                                                                          
I hope everybody who downloads this unusual L/P enjoys it as much as I do.....Takes a little bit of sorting out because of the lack of tracks definition but keep with it and you should enjoy the experience !!!..The size of the file is 270MB....so it might take a while to download but bear with it ..it will be worth it !!!..


  1. Thanks so much Luigi. Love the old WB films!

  2. Thank you Luigi...love it!

  3. Thank you very much! A great post! I have a companion album called The Golden Age of The Hollywood Musical. http://www.discogs.com/Various-The-Golden-Age-Of-The-Hollywood-Musical-Original-Motion-Picture-Soundtracks/release/2619717 It's a great album, too.

  4. This looks like a lot of fun. Many thanks, Luigi.

  5. Anonymous!! I want this album: The Golden Age of The Hollywood Musical!!!!!!!
    Please, you share??
    Sorry, I don't speak english! :)

  6. Luigi,

    Thank you, thank you and thank you again ... for providing this marvellous music hall entertainment.

    Yes The Good Old Days still live on ... if only in our memories and here with you ...!

    Phil Z
    from Downunder

  7. Go HERE: www.ebay.co.uk

    I am one of those who is STILL in the RAT RACE and I sell CDs and Vinyl. And YOU make things difficult for me. WHY?

    WHO asked you to make copies of the copyrighted work I'm selling? WHAT are you trying to rescue? What is your FUN?

    DO you know how many times I'm told "lower your price, I'd like the vinyl but I can get a good download FREE." ??? How many sales I have lost because of YOU and others like YOU?

    What is your answer? What record labels and artists gave you permission? I can't afford to get out of the RAT RACE. Why are YOU being a RAT?

    You seem to be a thoughtless bloody-minded fool. ARE YOU?

  8. Hi...anonymous !....I am not as you say a thoughtless bloody-minded fool !..and I don't laugh when I post a music file !..DO YOU pay copyright to the record company's when you get your L/P's or CD's.....Most of the L/P's that I post are not available and are usually not released on CD's which I don't post !!!....I have had loads of contact with people that have downloaded my L/P's of singers that they have not heard of and have gone out and bought CD's because they like the sound....and of course you can also go around the markets and Charity shops to buy L/P's for as little as 50p.....so what is the difference of me posting long forgotten singers !!!....Okay I do admit that sometimes a very popular singer or artist is posted but surely that is a good thing to get people interested in their sound....also the files are only available for a short while....
    Vinyl is now coming back....BUT at a price from £10-£60....so whose making all the money!!!!!...and I'm sure that if you could get away with selling copies of CD's you would do just do that....Duplicating Vinyl would be rather expensive !!!!...Cheers....

  9. Thanks for reposting this.

    I fear your friend may be fighting a losing battle anyway, regardless of the rights or wrongs. However, in this digital age, anyone who REALLY wants a hard copy of anything will go out and buy it.

  10. Where's the link? I'd love to hear this!

  11. Hi Cheeerful....if you click on the smilley face and you get a "Permission Denied" page From Mediafire or Amazon saying that you can buy & download a track close the page and try again and perhaps again if you are lucky then you should get the file....(Hopfully)...let me know if it works it works for me...But maybe its because I Posted it...Cheers..

  12. Hello Mick,
    Thanks for this beauty and don't worry about the Trolls!
    Regards, Bob

  13. Luigi
    Many thanks for posting some marvelous music.
    There is a program available that can separate close music tracts. You may have to do it manually, especially the difficult ones.
    I digitized all of my LPs using an ION USB Turntable TTYSB05 with the accompanying program MixMeister EZ Vinyl Converter. 33 7/3, 45s and 78s can be converted with little trouble.
    Hope this info helps. Love your BLOG

  14. Luigi

    that is a TTUSB05 Turntable. 33 1/3, Fat fingers will do that sometimes.

    Thanks again and disregard that troll used album "seller". A little person of no value


  15. Film Soundtracks from the 20's to the 40's for the Film Buffs !!

  16. Thanks very much, espo/Luigi
    - mel
