Wednesday 15 January 2020

Eagles...320 Kbps

Good job my musical taste is as varied as it is otherwise I would have missed out on some great modern songs as this L/P has some !! the live version of "Seven Bridges Road" & "New Kid In Town"and of course "Hotel California" has to make an apearance !!!

1. Hotel California
2. Heartache Tonight
3. Seven Bridges Road
4. Victim Of Love
5. The Sad Cafe

1. Life In The Fast Lane
2. I Can't Tell You Why
3. New Kid In Town
4. The Long Run
5. After The Thrill Is Gone


  1. Thank you so much Luigi! I owned this album a while back but had it get damaged while moving! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  2. This was my soundtrack when I drove from LA to NY three summers in a row in the late 80s...thanks for all you do, and thanks for taking me back!

  3. I slightly take issue with the word 'modern'. :-)

    This came out when I was 22. I'm now nearly 60!!
