Wednesday 28 June 2023

Cashman And West.

Don't know many people I know that have heard of "Cashman & West" They always say "Who!!
but the L/P is a good one with some very good catchy songs on it....No doubt there will be loads of people out there who have !!....To those who haven't heard of them give this one a listen to !! It's Excellent !!

1. Time Traveller
2. Will You Be My Lady
3. Let Your Feelings Go
4. Is It Raining In New York City
5. Mixed Emotions

1. Follow The Man With The Music
2. The Girl's Next Door
3. Somebody Stole The Sun
4. AM-FM Blues
5. The King Of Rock And Roll

          1. Follow The Man With The Music


  1. Thank You Good Album! Do you have the JORDAN & ANDERSON - "Edges of Love" lp to post? Thanks

  2. Very good album thank you!

  3. Amazing blog!
    Do you have Cashman & West - A Song Or Two maybe=
    Thank you.

  4. Thanks to you I believe that "Will you be my lady" - Cashman & West (Moondog Serenade) is listed in here this particular is not list anywhere.

  5. I unzipped using 7-Zip message I got

    0 Unexpected end of archive
    1 CRC failed in '02. will you be my lady.mp3'File is broken

    Please could you do some remedial.


  6. Can some one share Will u be my lady file? Thanks!

  7. Same problem with this rip - barely audible.

  8. Hi Armpit...just checked the download and it plays ok on my computer. plenty of volume !...just bought a new Turntable so I hope there is no problem with it...first one recorded on the new turntable is the Ray Conniff "Say it with music"....if anybody else has any volume problems with any downloads from that post onwards let me know...cheers...Luigi..


  9. Hello my dear friend, espo I am new to visit you and your blogger is fabulous, how can I find the links? I appreciate your attention, I will be waiting for your answer, I send you my greetings with appreciation for your work


  10. Hello my dear friend, espo I am new to visit you and your blogger is fabulous, how can I find the links? I appreciate your attention, I will be waiting for your answer, I send you my greetings with appreciation for your work

  11. The link below shows 2 screenshots of one of the tracks from the download. The top half shows how the original file looks. You can barely see the waveform. The bottom half shows the waveform after I normalized the audio, which brings it up until the highest peak reaches 100%. I'm not sure how you can say it sounds fine, unless your playback software is somehow normalizing on the fly.

  12. Hi Armpit...Strange one that is ! any of the other posts like it from after the ray conniff post...Downloaded the cashman and west file again and once again its okay full volume on all tracks...can you check one and see if its okay...Thanks ..cheers....Luigi

  13. Hi Gustavo..just click on the crossed fingers Emoji....

  14. Hi Armpit...It seems that other posts are low volume as had a check on the new turntable and maybe I was recording with a switch on line instead of phono ! tommorow I am recording an L/P with the switch on phono and hope that cures it...still can't understand why its ok on my computer...will have to re-record all the ones again...Take Care ...cheers.Luigi

  15. Yes, using line level instead of phono would certainly cause this problem. Like I said, if your playback software has a feature to normalize the audio (which helps all the different tracks sound like they're the same volume instead of some being much softer than others), that would bring up the listening level you're hearing. But the volume isn't the only problem. A phono amp also contains an equalization that is required for proper playback of LPs and singles. It's called the RIAA Curve, and without it, there will be very little bass.

  16. This post is okay now Volume and "Will you be my Lady" fixed !
    🤞 !

  17. HI I have been looking for Cashman and West lps for years . Found your blog but don't see any links to download. Can you possibly post new links? Thanks

  18. RE-POST
    Hi Chimp....Just click on the crossed fingers Emoji on the above comment and you will have your link...Cheers..enjoy the music...Luigi
