Friday 8 April 2022

Anita Harris.

This is definitely what you would call a "Concept" L/P all things fruity ect...Anita uses her top high range voice on most of the tracks and it suits her..all the tracks are not sung and played straight forward there are surprises on most of the tracks...soooooooooo the only way to find out the surprises is to download it....if you like her voice then you wont be disappointed

1. Somebody's In My Orchard
2. Watermelon Man
3. Cherry Ripe
4. Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree
5. Inch Worm
6. Butterfly With Coloured Wings

1. Taste Of Honey
2. Lullaby Of The Leaves
3. Oranges And Lemons
4. Honeysuckle Rose
5. Adams Apple
6. Green Leaves Of Summer

      3. Oranges And Lemons.


  1. Thank you Luigi for this nice one, regards Robert from Holland

  2. Just found your site this evening,
    really delighted, some lovely old
    music there. I will listen to-night.
    Looking forward to hearing Lita Roza, Jane Froman, Jane Powell and the rest. Many, many thanks for your
    time in uploading.
    Kind Regards,

  3. Would be great to be in her orchard with a handful of her ripe cherries. A tasty piece of fruit to be sure, methinks.

  4. Wondering if you could renew the download link for this album

  5. Hi Bill...Here is re-post for Anita...hope you enjoy it....cheers...Luigi
    👍 !

  6. What an album! Never heard of her. Thank you.

  7. Hi Manmouse..your welcome !.thanks for the comment....cheers..Luigi
