Monday, 11 May 2020

Don McLean....320 Kbps

Do not listen to this L/P as background music otherwise you will miss a great set of lyrics on every song....he certainly knows how to compose the music... and the lyrics that make perfect sense and do actually tell a story so at the end of the song you do have a beginning-middle and an excellent storyteller in music !!....Tho' the last track seems to have been recorded in a bit of a hurry !!....Take particular note of "Three Flights Up" doesn't get any better than that !!!

1. Castles In The Air
2. General Store
3. Magdalene Lane
4. Tapestry
5. Respectable
6. Orphans Of Wealth

1. Three Flights Up
2. And I Love You So
3. Bad Girl
4. Circus Song
5. No Reason For Your Dreams

     1. Three Flights Up.


  1. Don's rather overlooked first album which shows him as a fully-formed artist right out of the box.

    He has monster chops as an instrumentalist, but no one seems to notice because of the singing & song writing. Think a bit also of Buddy Holly and Jimi Hendrix in this regard. And John Lennon too, for that matter.

  2. Wow. Thank you so much, I've been waiting for this for years. I still keep the original vinyl a friend brought me over from London in 1971, I played all these songs over and again, but since the turntable went south, no luck...Now this is a great day, I'm eager to listen to the music again. And keep waiting to find the third album, titled "Don McLean"...
