Saturday 25 April 2020

Ray Stevens....320 Kbps

If you are like me and like to hear different interpretations of standard songs then this might be the one for you to have a listen too... every track is so far from the original that you could be listening to a different song...The whole L/P has a Hill-Billy/Western slight feel to it but it is very cool...just imagine "Lady Of Spain" done as "Rock & Roll" and you might get some idea !!

P.S. This is a great L/P and well worth a won't hear the like of this again.....Unless "Ray" decides  after 37 years to do a follow up L/P of popular songs done in  his way !!....just been on YouTube to see if there was any "Vids" of any of the tracks but there wasn't anything...BUT thought that the one below is worth a "Giggle" at !!!!!! 

1. Misty
2. Indian Love Call
3. Over The Rainbow
4. Oh Lonesome Me
5. Sunshine
6. Cow Cow Boogie

1. Young Love
2. Deep Purple
3. Mockingbird Hill
4. Take Care Of Business
5. Lady Of Spain

     5. Lady of Spain.


  1. Always thought Stevens has one of those voices that are just great to hear regardless of the material, straight or comedy. Thanks for this!

  2. Hadn't seen this before. Thank you for sharing it!

  3. I bought this one on vinyl when it came out in the 70s, mainly because I wanted to hear his version of Misty. It's a great album and I'm glad to get the chance to hear it again. Many thanks for the out of the ordinary things you share!

  4. Your blogspot is great for us Ballroom Dancers with excellent music. Is there any chance of a link to the music albums?


  5. Thank you Luigi for sharing this album.


  6. Another missing gem, thanks again, I had the vinyl back in the seventies and somehow we got seperated. This is a classic album showing that Ray was way more than a novelty song performer. Very happy to find this one.

  7. I have seen Ray Stevens videos.The Streak and "It´s me again Margarete"Very funny.
