Saturday 3 April 2021

Des O'Connor

On this L/P Des talks as well as sings....he does what a lot of singers were doing in the 70's joining two songs together with same themes...and even tho' there is nothing on the sleeve to tell you the date all you have to do is look at the "Flares" that Des is wearing and "Bingo" the 70's !!!!...This one came from "Bob" !!

      5. The One I Love Belongs To Someone Else 


  1. Many Greetings Luigi from me and Bob
    Many thanks for this album from Des O'Connor ,its one I didn't have in my collection...
    I hope everything is well with you and your loved ones.
    Thanks for everything and..
    Greetings from me and Bob

  2. Many thanks for this one Bob
    I have not seen this and appreciate
    it being shared on Luigi's blog.
    Thanks Luigi for all the good music.

  3. Hi Alan...Thanks For Your Kind Comments...hope all is well with you...if you want more music treats then keep comming back !.....Cheers Luigi
