Sunday 28 December 2014

Happy 2015 !!

Hi...hope everybody has got over the Xmas Celebrations and had a good Xmas !! now its back to normality in the slow lane !!....I managed over the Xmas period to raid the attics of my Brother & Wife and Niece & Husband and got over a hundred of different ! strange ! rare ! and obscure L/P's so look out later for something very different soon !!!...Happy New Year to all !!!...and I hope that This Blog will Still be here This time Next Year....Cheers....Luigi !!


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Luigi!
    Thanks for all the varied and terrific music you selected for us in 2014.
    Whilst you were plundering your good relatives' attics, I was doing the "rat race" thing...
    So THANK YOU so very much for providing excellent musical distraction & relaxation:)

    All the BEST!

  2. That sounds great! I'm looking forward to it. I hope 2015 is groovy for you. :)

  3. I wish you a very nice new year!

  4. Luigi,vc durante este ano em que conheci,foi uma pessoa muito especial para mim,vc nunca disse No,ao findar o ano e o inicio de mais um 2015 esperamos poder continuar nosso relacionamento de pessoas que goste de boa Musica,por este motivo desejo a vc e todos os seus familiares um FELIZ ANO NOVO.

  5. Happy New Year back to you. Thanks for all your work.
