Thursday 27 May 2021

The Worlds Worst Record Show

It say's on the cover "Cringe Along" I'll endorse that with a capital "CRINGE"....never heard of any of the tracks !!...The originals yes !!...It's from over the channel via Bob...glad to see "Belguim" has a sense of humour !!....Its well worth a download just for a hearty laugh !!!....Must have hit "Bob's" funny bone when I posted "Mrs Miller" L/P she is featured on one of the tracks !!

       10. Going Out Of My Head


  1. I have this record and love it. The actual record also looks like a mess. It's green vinyl with what looks like crayon marks all over the vinyl. My particular record was made even worse when a friend borrowed it, left it in his car window and warped it a bit.
