Sunday 25 July 2021

Randy Crawford.

Don't know much about "Randy" except of course "One Day"...but these are some well sung songs with of course the "Love" theme so I guess "it does what it says on the tin"!!!!!
On the Track "Imagine" which is a live track the recording goes a bit funny left speaker goes a bit haywire...thought perhaps it was my turntable or connections that was playing up again...BUT recorded it three times and still had the same problen at the same time each recording !!!Sooooooo conclusion I think maybe that as it was a live recording and she seems to move around the stage that might be the problem !!!

1. One Day I'll Fly Away
2. You Might Need Somebody
3. Rainy Night In Georgia
4. Trade Winds
5. He Reminds Me
6. Nightline
7. Windsong
8. Secret Combination

1. Almaz
2. Imagine
3. In Real Life
4. Everything Must Change 
5. I Don't Want To Lose Him
6. Someone To Believe In
7. One Hello
8. Tender Falls The rain
      3. Rainy Night In Georgia 

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