Friday 12 November 2021

Des O'connor...

We are now back with some of "Bob's" contributions from "Belgium" of course...the reason that we have not had any from him for a while is that I have had a new computer and I thought that I had lost his files in the "Change Over" Saga !!....looked everywhere for them but with no luck !!..then suddenly out of the "Cosmic Blue" BINGO !!!! if by Magic they suddenly appeared !!!..........Arn't computers temperamental !!!.......Soooooooo we will be having a good mix of different music........And Des gets us off to a good start with some favourites that I Guess everyone will know !!....and despite all the flack that he gets about his singing I like his voice !!

1. Sometimes I'm Happy
2. She
3. My Sentimental Friend
4. What'll I Do
5. Carolina In The Morning 
6. The Old Fashioned Way
7. Smile Smile Smile

1. Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak tree
2. A Certain Smile
3. What A Wonderful World
4. Nellie Dean
5. The Most Beautiful Girl
6. If You Were The Only Girl 
7. On Of Those Songs

        2. She