Sunday 24 September 2023

EL Pasodoble & El Tango

 This L/P was bought on one of my holiday's I'd forgotten all about it and I think that I have only played it once I think.... but I thought I would share it with everybody because it does sound authentic....still can't remember what made me buy it !!...must have been all the wine and tequilla...."El Pasadoble" has all the bull fight music....and its good to hear the familar "Tangos" I presume how they were first composed without the lyrics....all in all I think it was a good buy !!  

P.S. It still sounds authentic !!!!.......Translations By "Google Translate "

1. El Gato Montes ( The WildCat )......Gran Banda Taurina 
2. Suspiros De Espana ( Spain Sighs )Gran Banda Taurina 
3. Mi Jaca ( My Jaca )......   Gran Banda Taurina                                              
4. En Er Mundo ( On Is Mundo )Gran Banda Taurina 
5. Islas Canarias (Canary Islands )Gran Banda Taurina 
6. La Giralda ( The Gialda )Gran Banda Taurina 

1.Yira Yira ( Yira Yira )......Gran Orquesta Tipica Argentina
2. La Cumparsita ( The Cumparsita )Gran Orquesta Tipica Argentina
3. Celos ( Jealousy )Gran Orquesta Tipica Argentina
4. A Media Luz ( At Half Light )Gran Orquesta Tipica Argentina
5. El Choclo ( The Corn )Gran Orquesta Tipica Argentina
6. Adios Muchachos ( Bye Guys )Gran Orquesta Tipica Argentina

   3. Celos ( Jealousy )


  1. Looking forward to listening to this later today, espo. Thanks in advance.

  2. Greetings Espo
    I am curious how this album sounds like.
    Many trhanks for eveything

  3. Espo
    Poderia colocar o link novamente? Gosto muito de pasodoble e tango!
    Muito obrigado!

  4. RE-POST
    Oi Claud...aqui está a música do Pasodoble que você pediu espero que goste de dançar!!...felicidades Luigi

    1. Olá, Espo!
      Muito obrigado! De coração!
      É uma obra maravilhosa!
      Felicidades e vida longa!


  5. El Tango indeed . . . ah those days of sinful dancing and stocking clad thighs.
