Wednesday 16 February 2022

Bobby Crush.

First time I have listened to "Bobby" he seems to be a bit heavy on the keys but maybe that's his style !!...A pleasent enuff set of tracks but he aint' an "Andre" or "Winifred" !!!....Got another couple of L/P's of his to listen to and post so I'll leave it at that !!!....but it does come alive with "Slightly Latin" !!!

1. Lonely Ballerina
2. Pepe
3. Brendans Theme
4. Orville's Song
5. Memory
6. Dreamers

1. First Love
2. Up Where We Belong
3. Angelique
4. Father And Son 
5. Slightly Latin
6. On Golden Pond

        5. Slightly Latin


  1. Luigi,se eu fosse você eu colocaria o outro album,do Bobby Crush,vale apena.

  2. Seria possível a postagem do álbum do The Bob Crewe Generation .
