Thursday 10 March 2022

Muziek Bij Uw Films

Now here's a funny strange one thought that it might be themes from films but no... after doing a "Google Translation" it comes up as "Music To Your Movies Frequently Requested Themes"so I guess the cover now makes sense....Its a soundtrack of your home movies that is if you need one !!!....By Golly these marketing guy's come up with some strange concepts for L/P titles and covers !!.....Anway apart from that it is a pleasant 40 odd minutes of music !!!...from "Bob"

          1. Happy Weekend


  1. About three of these "home movie soundtrack" LPs showed up here:

    thanks for posting a European one.

  2. Hey! Toots is on this...

    Here is a LP put out by Kodak found on my hard drive..
    Thanks Luigi...
