Thursday 7 April 2022

Glen Cambell.

Thanks Bob for this one definately not a 1-2-3 waltz time !!....some great tracks on here and great guitar playing....and correction.... there is a couple of 1-2-3 time tracks but its a well balanced set of songs... no well known songs accept of course the title track !!...can I hear "Danny Boy" in the background on one of the tracks ????
No moans about information on the back sleeve...thats how it should be every time !!

          6. Freeborn Man


  1. Thanks for this one. I nearly passed over this as I have an album by the same name release by the World Record Club in 1967. Only 2 tracks on this version appear on the other.Thanks again.

  2. Hi Copa & Clutch...your welcome !..enjoy the music...cheers..Luigi
