Sunday 17 April 2022

Mary O'Hara.

A beautiful clear voice and an ocasional harp sound played by the Singer "Mary O'Hara" is as the L/P is called "Reflections" and you just do that !!....the songs are not well known so no "Hits" on this "Reflective" L/P if you like a nice relaxing feet up eyes closed listening time go for it !!....The "Gem" on this one is "A Friend Of Mine"...great Lyrics !!!

          3. A Friend Of Mine


  1. Hi there,

    A long time since I thanked you for all your efforts in uploading your diverse music.

    Thanks - much appreciated.

    Mary O'Hara - I rather fancied her, provided she didn't smile and show her crooked teeth. Nice voice, but it was a pity that she sung too many "popularist" songs.

    I encountered the only Mary O'Hara LP that I bought recently - liked the voice, but a pity about the material she used - dumbed down, commercial, mass media stuff.


    Douglas (UK)

  2. Great stuff, Thank you

    But a pity track 1 Plaisir D'amour is missing

    Tracks 1 and 2 from the second side - Pussy Willow, Cats Tails and Silabh Na mBan are combined into one

  3. Thank you Luigi I have been looking for Spinning Wheel for years

  4. Anonymous,
    you can try splitting the combined tracks using Audacity

    available here:

  5. Sorry track one is missing....
    👍 !
