Tuesday 26 April 2022

Peter Nero

Not had any Piano music for a while so here is one of the best courtesy of the Guy over the channel !!

          2. Lover Come Back To Me 


  1. tracks four and five are missing, thanks

  2. Thanks but mega needs decryption key. Also, as den81164 said, tracks 4 and 5 are missing. Once again, thanks for your good site and your efforts.

  3. Luig's É uma Pena não ter as Musicas 4,5 ficou um vazio no album,mais é maravilhoso,obrigado.

  4. Yep seems we do have tracks 4 & 5 missing didn't notice that when i listened to it before I posted it...Its one from Bob so if he sends the missing tracks I will re-post...as for MEGA needing a decryption key I checked it and it seems ok I could download ok ...Cheers...Luigi

  5. I'm the same anonymous above. I just wanted to thank you. Thank you so much.

  6. please re-up when you get a chance!!! thanks Baz

  7. Hi Baz...Sorry For The Slight Delay..here is the repost complete with the missing tracks 4 & 5 enjoy the music....Cheers Espo
    👍 !
