Saturday 17 December 2022

Lena Martell

Surprise!! Surprise!!...I really enjoyed this one ..Thanks to "Bob"....But I do love a "Live" performance you can't hide anything.... no little man in the booth messing about with the knobs covering up your "Bum" notes !!!...Can't see any date on the sleeve so don't know what year it could be...maybe someone out there could enlighten us !!...certainly the audience are appreciative and are enjoying themselves....Pity there is no info on the sleeve about "Lena" I believe that she is Scottish (I Think) doubt if she's not someone will correct me and perhaps fill in the gaps !!!.....Sorry seemed to have lost track 7/8 on side one !!!



  1. It's from 1978...and yes Lena's a Scot.

    Just for the record, the people of Scotland prefer to be referred to as "Scots" rather than "Scottish".

    A wee Sassenach ;)

  2. Recorded in March 1977 and released in 1978. I know because I was there! Lena Martell on of the best and most underrated UK female singers. Huge following and success on tv, radio and records. Julian

  3. Muy bueno, muchas gracias, saludos con afecto.

  4. Hola..Francisco..gracias por tu amable comentario. Espero que disfrutes de la música.. Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo...salud...Luigi
