Tuesday 7 February 2023

The New Seekers.

Obviously named group from the 70's...taking over from the Australian Group "The Seekers"...but of course nothing like them !!...I believe they did have a hit with the title song...a pleasant enough set of 70's Songs sung competently !!...Dig The " 70's  Big Hair !!!

1. Look What They've Done To My Song Ma
2. Sing Out
3. Alright My love
4. Why Can't We All Get Together 
5. Friend Of Jesus
6. Blackberry Way

1. Song Sung Blue
2. Nickel Song
3. Rainmaker
4. Out On The Edge Of Beyond
5. Captain Stormy
6. Morning Has Broken 

          6. Blackberry Way 


  1. Keith Potger was a member of the original Seekers.

    When they split up, he founded the New Seekers, took a similar folk style and added a strong pop rock element.

    A similar thread runs through but the rock element gives a distinctive difference.
