Sunday 25 June 2023


 Nice 70's album of Cher's best track is "Dixie Girl"...

P.S. Just seen "Cher" live on T/V tonight (That was in October 2013)...voice is still there and she still looks about the same as the picture above !!...39 years ago !!!

1. Train Of Thought
2. I Saw A Man He Danced With His Wife
3. Make The Man Love Me
4. Just What I've Been Lookin' For
5. Dark Lady

1. Miss Subway Of 1952
2. Dixie Girl
3. Rescue Me
4. What'll I Do
5. Apples Don't Fall far From The Tree

          2. Dixie Girl


  1. Cool! I thought Dark Lady was such a neat song when I was a kid. Still do! It'll be nice to experience the entire album.
