Tuesday 14 March 2023

Phil Kelsall.

To continue the "Organ " Sound we now have the "Daddy"of Organs "The Wurlitzer" complete with pipes and foot pedals... and not a "Chip" in sight (I think)..it says on the back sleeve that this organ is 48 years old ..that was in 1982 so by my reckoning its now in its 89th year !!...That is if it is still in "The Tower Ballroom Blackpool"...maybe someone from "Blackpool" could answer that !!....Its uncanny that on the tracks "How About You" & "Tomorrow" there is a perfect "Piano" all done with pipes....no "Electronics" or "Chips" (Except In Paper") in the 1930's when this organ must have started its life..So give it a lsten to !!!...first couple of tracks are a bit scratchy but it gets better as it goes on !!!

Just re-read the back Notes.....yep there is a "Chip" that gives the phantam Piano sound !!