Saturday 1 April 2023

Rostal And Schaefer.

I had a feeling at the back of my mind when I saw this L/P that I had heard of this "Piano Playing Duo" but had never actualy saw or heard them play....its a pity about that because I enjoyed every minute of it !! And I guess so did the person who must have been to their "Concert" and got it Signed!!...seems that someone has done a lot of "Live Shows" because I've got more L/P's with Signature's on them !!.....Anyway back to the music... a great mix of Classical and Popular Music...Fav's are the selection of "My Fair Lady" and "The Journey Into Space"
Also its great to have some sensible insights to what goes on behind the scenes of a concert tour that's mentioned on the back Sleeve !!

          1. Selection From My Fair Lady


  1. I am desperately trying to find out any information about the duo piano team Rostal and Schaefer. If you have any ideas about their whereabouts or how I can find arrangements of their duets please contact me.
