Friday 2 June 2023

Four Men In A Boat..VA

We now have some L/P's from across the channel Via "Belgium Bob" a grand mixture that I hope will be enjoyed by"People from the Cosmos"...."Friends From across the Pond "...The Upside Down People From Aussie" and "The Frozen People North Of The Globe" !!!!

This is a charity record for "The Abbeyfield Charity" so I believe that it is only right that I include the web site here  in case there is anyone who wishes to get in touch !!

          6. My Colouring Book


  1. Greetings espo
    I think Bob will be glad to here that you use his music still.
    Many thanks for everything you do and for the time and effort you put in this blog..
    Many greetings and thanks from me and Bob. I will send a message to Bob with greetings from you and .....
