Wednesday 12 July 2023

Gilbert O'Sullivan.

Gilbert O'Sullivan in his Hey Day wrote some great songs catchy and telling a story...but in the 80's he seemed to have disappeared of the scene !! checking on the net found out that he took about 5 years off but is now and since then still composing songs but hasn't had a notable hit since the 80's/90's....So have a listen to some of his well written hits of yesteryear !!!

1. I'm A Writer Not A Fighter 
2. A Friend Of Mine
3. They've Only Themselves To Blame 
4. Who Knows Perhaps Maybe 
5. Where Peaceful Waters Flow

1. Ooh Baby
2. I Have Never Loved You As Much As I Love You Today 
3. Not In A Million Years
4. If You Love Me Like You Love Me
5. Get Down

         1. I'm A Writer Not a Fighter


  1. Nice. It'll be neat to hear more from the guy who gave us the devastatingly haunting "All by Myself".

  2. Ooops !! "Armpit" All By Myself" was written by "Eric Carmen" with a little bit of help from the "Classics" via "Rachmaninoff's" Concerto No 2 "Adagio Sostenuto" !!!

  3. Derp! My brain was totally confusing the two. "Alone Again, Naturally" is almost the same meaning as "All by Myself". :)
