Friday 7 July 2023


Ok lets really spice it up and get with it !!!

 Here's something different and I mean "Different"!!!.....not to everybodys taste but be curious and take a chance you might like it !!...."Roy Wood" is Wizzard for those who don't know and it looks like he has got everything but the "Kitchen Sink" playing on this L/P....the tracks only six of them are very long but you have everything in them ...from good old "Rock'N'Roll" thro' to "Brass Band"even a bit of "Classic" and even an "Elvis" bit all in one track !!!'s a very clever L/P !!!!....won't attempt to give a favourite track they are too diverse !!!...the first two tracks were very close together hence recording as "Side 1 & Side 2 !!!

1.You Can Dance The Rock'n Roll
2. Meet Me At The Jailhouse
3. Jolly Cup Of Tea

1. Buffalo Station-Get On Down To Memphis
2. Gotta Crush About You
3. Wear A Fast Gun

             3. Jolly Cup Of Tea     


  1. Roy Wood has done very well over many groups and many years.
    I've liked each stage.
    His work is easy to like.
    Thanks very much.
