Saturday 21 October 2023


Mixed feelings about this one !!..never really listened to "Wings" before so I think that it comes into my category as "The more you play it the better it becomes" doubt there will be some die hard "Wings" fans that will disagree...but what a boring life would be without differences of opinions !!!....The second side I do recognise a couple of tracks !!

1. London Town
2. Cafe On The Left Bank
3. I'm Carrying
4. Backwards Traveler
5. Cuff Link
6. Children Children
7. Girlfriend
8. I've Had Enough

1. With A Little Luck
2. Famous Groupies
3. Deliver Your Children
4. Name And Address
5. Don't Let It Bring You Down
6. Morse Moose And The Grey Goose

          5. Cuff Link

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