Saturday 5 August 2023

Wanda Jackson

Not heard much about this lady being that I'm not realy into CW music but this is a pleasant listening L/P and if you are a fam of CW then you'll love it !!...still can't get my head around the 1 2 1 2 tempo !!!.....BUT as I've said many times before "Variety Is The Spice Of Life "...and life would be a bore if we all thought the same !!!!....Thanks Bob for this one !

      1. Blue Yodel No 6.


  1. Thank you for Wanda. I'm not sure if this is Wanda before she got the bit between her teeth at Capitol Records. According to Nick Tosches in his book "Unsung Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll", Wanda showed herself to be one of the most exceptional rock 'n' roll stylists of her or any other day. Her voice, a wild-fluttering thing of sexy subtleties and sudden harshness, feral feline purrings and raving banshee shriekings, was a vulgar wonder to hear. She was a girl who could growl and furthermore she was the only girl who could hold her own with the big guys of rock 'n' roll's golden era - as her 1955-6 tour with Elvis and her 57 tour with Jerry Lee and Carl Perkins attested. Many of her Capitol sides were fast, loud songs of ambivalent carnality. Not even twenty years old at that point, Wanda sounded like she could fry eggs on her mons veneris. That's terstimonial enough, doncha think. Grind on Ms Jackson.

  2. Oh, sadness! the link is not valid! These records are so wonderful)) Luigi! Can the malfunction be fixed? Thanks!

    Hi Yodel your sadness has now been turned to joy ! enjoy these two great L/P's..and thanks again for your kind comments...cheers Luigi
