Monday 5 September 2016

Just thought I might pop another"Quizicle" strand in....One of my all time favourite songs !!
sung buy "Who" !!....Two tracks this time one male and one female....Both are slightly more difficult than the first "Quizicle" if you get them right you can award yourself a GOLD STAR !!!*******Both are great versions of the song !!!


  1. I'd say Tony Hadley and Carol Kidd.

    Bob in Vancouver

  2. Buddy Greco, Linda Ronstadt.

  3. Espo, just a note to say, have you heard Rose-Marie, i think she is an Irish singer. I bought a couple of her albums from I Tunes. I`m sure you would like her, give her a listen, especialy "I`m Lucky" (or So Lucky, i forget).
    Cheers from Down Under.


  4. Total shot in the dark......James Cordon and Meryl Streep

    John in NY

  5. @ Espo, I totally agree with you, two great covers of this song. I don't tell who sing cause I don't take any credit for finding the singers. There's some voice recognition app to help us. May be one day you could share the two albums if it's possible. Best regards

  6. ANDRE SCHWARTZ & Eydie Gorme
