Monday, 11 March 2024

The Collection

This is a bit of a scary cover !!...hope her name is not "Mary" !!
Anyway here is a selection of "The Stone's" hits by maybe a tribute band but who knows!!.. in the 70's there were a number of record labels that were putting out cheaper L/P's with cover versions by some very good sound alike singers I guess that this is one of them !!....I did do a search but there is a group called "The Collection" but I doubt whether its this one.!!!
So listen and take it as it was meant to be "A Tribute" !!

           6. Paint It Black


  1. This was a group of session musicians put together by Alan Caddy (1940-2000), who was the house arranger/producer with the Avenue label. Previously he had played guitar in The Tornados.

  2. Wow! A Groovy Great! Thanx................

  3. Hello!!! Please, is it possible for you to reactivate the download link for this publication? Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi Anon & Beto ...Here's the link that you requested complete with Scary Cover !!!...cheers...Luigi
    Enjoy !
