Friday 15 July 2022

Tony Bennett.

 Here's a nice selection of song's by "The greatest singer in the world" as Quoted by "Frank Sinatra"!!!....Some well known song's are on this L/P and they are different from what the originals are and sung by other singers....Tony seems to do that with most of the well known songs...hence the Quote by Sinatra !!....I prefer his more "Jazz" and "Swing" L/P's.....But this one is worth having a good listen to.....

1. Something
2. The Long And Winding Road
3. Everybody's Talking
4. On a Clear Day
5. Coco
6. Think How Its Gonna be

1. Wave
2. Make It Easy On Yourself
3. Come Saturday Morning
4. When I Look In Your Eyes
5. Yellow Days
6. What A Wonderful World 

           2. The Long And Winding Road


  1. I just want to say thank you so much for all your effort and generosity in uploading such a high quality selection of albums. My mother is now enjoying your music collection one album at a time and I have to say, you have made her and all of us in the family very very happy!

  2. Luigi,
    Boa Noite,
    É possível liberar os links dos álbuns do Tony Bennett,

  3. Oi Addy..aqui está o link do Tony Bennett que você pediu espero que goste....Saudações...Luigi/Espo
    👍 !

  4. Link down, Thanks
    Enlace caído, gracias por compartir
    Desde este enlace hacia atrás en las fechas parece que la mayoría de enlaces están caídos, es una pena haber encontrado su web tan tarde para poder descargar tanta joya.
    Me permito solicitarle si podría hacer archivos agrupando sus subidas , tal vez por fechas o por autores, pero una buena forma de compartir sus enlaces seria hacer una cuenta en TeraBox (un tera que da para mantener y compartir muchísimo).
    Espero que le llegue este mensaje y pueda ponerlo en valor, pero al menos reciba mi agradecimiento por subir todo este material, sinceramente ¡Gracias!

  5. Hi Facedor...Hi desea volver a publicar un enlace, puede solicitarlo en el comentario de esa publicación y lo volveré a publicar lo antes posible... gracias por sus comentarios... saludos Luigi
