Friday 16 December 2016

Rhoda Scott

Christmas is 'a' coming and the goose is getting fat !! while you are waiting for the "Tuck" in on the 25th relax with some organ music that celebrates the festive season !!..played by a lady organist....Only know of two other female organists that is "Ethel Smith" and "Cherry Wainer"....sooooooooo get your early mince pies out and relax !!!!

 Thanks "Bob" for this festive music !!
 06 Jingle bells.mp3


  1. Thanks very much for this! But the track named "Minuet Chretiens" is actually track 4 (Ave Maria) and Minuet Chretiens is missing.

  2. Luigi, Há onde se ouve e lêr Minuit Chretiens, houve se, Ave Maria de Shubert/Radford e a onde se houve Minuit Chretiens houve se Noite Feliz,esta meio confuso, mais é como estar, a segunda Ave Maria é de Bach e Gounord,a musica Minuit Chretiens não esta na pista, se puder corrigir muito bem, se não. ? Obrigado.

  3. In the 70's she was extremely popular in Hungary, and the still active 78 year old organist gives her next concert in Budapest at Christmas.
