Thursday 26 January 2017

Hotcha Trio

All the way now to "Belgium" via "Bob" some unusual music from three guys that seem to be playing "Harmonicas" !!!! Yep !!! they are !!!... got me puzzled for a moment !! had to enlarge picture !!...very jolly and infectious music !!!...very familiar tunes I think most people will recognise them I think they have played around with the titles !!!....have a listen and you will get it !!!.....Thanks Bob for this bit of Fun !!!

1. Wiener Blut
2. Flower Waltzer
3. Garda Lake Tune 
4. Give Me More Roses
5. Sleepy Cinderella

1. Dancing With Anne
2. Celitos Heart
3. Dreaming Elisa
4. Polly Brown River
5. Romantic Doll
6. There Is No More Dance

10 Polly brown river.mp3