Saturday 10 April 2021

Ginger Rogers

 Well now I have mixed feeling about this one...Its obvious that "Gingers" voice is not as good as it was 35 plus years ago when she did those great films with "Fred Astaire"...She made this one is London in 1978 according to the back sleeve....I ask myself should she have left it alone and let the record company issue her "Soundtrack" vocals !!....but I suppose as an entertainer the show must go on !!...Its a pity that the great singers can't keep their voices at their peak all there lives....only a handfull do !!.....But it's great to hear them their talent always shines tho'.....and as for this L/P its cool to hear the old songs given modern arrangements....

Thanks Bob For This One !!!

      5. A Fine Romance / Lets Call The Whole Thing Off


  1. Many thanks, espo!

  2. Well, her voice is in better shape than I imagined. Not too bad for a gal who was approaching 60 when this album was recorded.
    Anyway, though not as graceful as Astaire, miss Rogers still had a lot to give.
    Thanks for this memento of her art!

  3. I had the privelege of meeting Miss Rogers here in Atlanta years and years ago, when she was signing copies of her just-published autobiography. When my turn came I said, "Good evening, Miss Rogers." She immediately smiled and exclaimed, "Oh, I just love the way you talk down here!" The composure I had built up standing in line was completely gone and I began to babble. The lady behind me stepped up, put her hand on my shoulder, and said for me, "Well we hope that you'll come back!" I'll never forget that evening.
