Tuesday 28 March 2017

Annie Fratellini

Here's A songbird from 1958 that is completely unknown to me !!!..she sounds great and love the accent when she sings in English !!....details about her below....The wonders of the internet strikes again !!...Lets see !! A french singer whose music ends up on a shelf in a Record store in the USA wings over to England then gets whizzed back on the air waves to entertain all the people of the world that might be interested in a different voice !!!..Coooooooooool !!!
Couldn't find the back cover anywhere...so apologies if the track list doesn't make sense in French !!!

 Annie Fratellini (14 November 1932–30 June 1997) was a French circus artist, clown, singer and film actress.
 She was born Annie Violette Fratellini in Algiers, French Algeria to a Pied-noir family of Italian descent.

 For years she avoided following her father, grandfather and 22 other relatives into the ring. Instead, she sang in music halls and nightclubs.

1. Celui Que
2. C'est Merveilleux Amour
3. Quand Tu Vien Chez Moi Mon Coeur
4. It Had To Be You
5. Paris Souvenirs

1. J'ai Ta Main
2. Le Gars de Rochechouart
3. J aimerais Tellement
4 Why Do I Love You
5. Ca C'estL amour

04 – It Had to Be You.mp3