Sunday 26 March 2017

Julie Andrews

Not a Peep from "Eliza" !!....just the clear English voice of Julie's

1. As I Went a Roaming
2. London Pride
3. The Floral Dance
4. These Precious Things
5. Where'er You Walk
6.  Pedro The Fisherman

1. Tally Ho
2. If my Songs Were Only Winged
3. The Lass With the Delicate Air 
4.  Canterbury Fair
5. To A Wild Rose
6. Oh The Days Of Kerry Dancing

 Julie Andrews was only 22 when she released this, her debut solo album. But she already had an extensive résumé as an entertainer that included recordings dating back ten years; numerous appearances on the London stage; two Broadway musicals, The Boy Friend and My Fair Lady; and two American TV movie musicals, High Tor and Cinderella. She might have been expected to sing show tunes on her own LP, but instead she harked back to her British music hall days as a child and assembled a collection of English folk songs and art songs.

06-Pedro The Fisherman.wma


  1. Neither a moment of Mary Poppins, nor a minute's The Sound Of Music... Finally!

  2. Thank you for this rare album of Julie Andrews

  3. A little known face of Ms Andrews!
    Thanks, Luigi!!!

  4. Thanks espo for this treasure!
