Wednesday 15 March 2017

Russ Conway.320.Kbps

Piano now in full Concert Mode...Pity it is not "Stereo" !!...dreams ! melody's ! rhapsody's & concerto's are on the programe !!

1. My Concerto For You
2. The Way To The Stars 
3. Dream Of Olwen
4. Dusk
5. The Lonely Melody
6. The Warsaw Concerto 

1. Autumn Concerto
2. Forgotten Dreams
3. Cornish Rhapsody
4. Jeannie
5. Till
6. La Mer 

11. Till.mp3


  1. Thank you for this pleasant listen. Not sure if there is much "concerto" here - certainly no cadenzas, but it is easy listening and unobtrusive.
