Saturday 24 February 2024

Cathy Berberian.

 When I first heard some of the tracks on this L/P I thought it was a joke but after listening to the tracks in detail It's really quite doubt there will be many of you who decide to download it will think it's rubbish but I like it..maybe it's a case of the more you listen the better it becomes...just keep an open mind about it.....Sooooooooo if you like the Beatles songs ala "Mozart"go for it !!!

1. Ticket To Ride
2. I Want To Hold Your Hand
3. Michelle
4. Eleanor Rigby
5. Yellow Submarine
6.Here There And Everywhere 

1. Help
2. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
3. Yesterday
4. Can't Buy Me Love
5. Girl
6.A Hard Days Night

      1. Help.


  1. Appears to be no link for a download.

  2. Whatever the reason, thank you very much. I hope and your family are in good health.

  3. This is a wonderous album bringing a truly new slant on the music of The Beatles. Much like the (in)famous The Baroque Beatles Book by Joshua Rifkin (Elektra/Nonsuch 1965) it is not for the faint-hearted, but provides a most engaging listen and ultimately is very rewarding. Ms Berberian, a mezzo-soprano who died at the tragically young age of 58, explored much contemporary avant-garde music, particularly that of Luciano Berio, Darius Milhaud and Igor Stravinsky. Anything by her is worth a listen, but beware. you need to have an open mind and wide ears. She herself composed a piece "Stripsody" in which she exploited (her) vocal technique using the sounds of comic books. Truth to tell, this Beatles set is an artistic diversion from her usual music. It is worth noting that the original album artwork is by Gerald Scarfe. Thanks for posting this album, which hopefully will find favour with a new audience.

  4. A Late Thanks to MFM for the Above informative Comment.....Cheers Man !
    Enjoy !

  5. Thank you Luigi and Man from Mordor!!

  6. Somebody interested in her avant-garde work, go here:
