Friday 19 August 2022

Jerry Murads Harmonicats

Don't think we have had any "Harmonica's" on here yet so we have now...the arrangements are first class and the harmonica's blend in well with the orchestra...not so much featuring them as solo's but incorporating them in the orchestra....Most harmonica music I have heard don't do that !! this L/P sounds like a fresh sound !!.....Of course they are featured but to my mind they blend in perfectly !

1. Peg O'My Heart
2.  Bewitched
3. Malaguena
4. Charmaine
5. Galloping Comedians
6. Maria Elena

1. Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
2. Yesterday
3. A Taste of Honey
4. Diane
5. The Last Outpost

          3. Malaguena


  1. Hi Wilson..Enjoy the Harmonica's....thanks for the request....Cheers...Luigi
    👍 !

  2. Thank you very much. God bless. Brings back memories.
    You are a legend.
