Wednesday 26 April 2017

Mario Lanza

Its great to be reminded of the glorious voice of Mario Lanza and here he is at his best !!...courtesy of  Belguim Bob !!!

11 Gaudeamus igitur.mp3


  1. Beste Bob
    Veel dank voor deze album va Mario Lanza en voor alle andezre die ik reeds aan mijn verzameling mocht toevoegen
    Many thanks Luigi to make this album from Mario Lanza from Bob available to me and many others
    Many greetings from Belgium

  2. Thank you for this album.

  3. One of the greatest singers of all time. Thanks for sharing.


  4. Thank you for your excellent collection of records that you are kind enough to share with us. I would like to ask if it is possible to upload again the Mireille Mathieu Album - Et tu seras poete that you had uploaded on the 19th of August 2014.

  5. Brings back happy memories of the early 50' mothers favourite singer.....thank you.
