Monday 29 May 2017


Never heard of this group so it's a new listening experiance for me !!..They remind me of some other group but can't quite abut my finger on it...Yaba Dabba Doo !!!

 Very successful Dutch pop act, set up in 1976 by producers Hans van Hemert and Piet Souer, and manager Han Meijer. Three singers (blond, dark and red haired) were recruited: José Hoebee, Patty Brard & Marga Scheide.

Luv' scored hit records in Continental Europe (Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Denmark) as well as South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Mexico in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In 1979, Luv' was Holland's best export act and thus received the Conamus Export Prize. Luv' has sold more than seven million records