Thursday 15 June 2017

Joshua Rifkin

Some piano music now !!...I have posted Volume 2 earlier which was mine !! we are still in Begium with Bob and he has managed to have this Volume which is 1 and also Volume 3 which I will post later.....thanks Bob for this and the posts below!!

02 The entertainer.mp3


  1. Thanks a lot for this record. Can you re-upload Volume II? :)

  2. Dave in Florida18 June 2017 at 14:04

    Pleeease reup Volume 2!!

  3. 05 Bethena A concert waltz - Is this Joshua as well? It an extra track in the folder but not on the Lp cover tracklist - M

  4. Hi Anonymous...yes it is a track by Joshua...its on Volume 2 track 1 side 2...must have been floating around the cosmnos and homed in to its Volumes !!!:)
