Friday 7 July 2017

Ref Help Needed !

Thanks for all the input about the "Help Needed" !! a few of you mentioned that it says on the player "Flash Upgrade needed or Update your Browser" I have done that and have got the latest versions of both of them !!....I think that it might be something to do with the "Blog" site...because I have an Ipad and also a Smart TV the "Zippy Player" and the"Comments Box" was visible on both of them but now they are not.... exactly like on my computer...
On "Internet Explorer" when you first go to my blog it says
"Only Secure Content Shown"  and there is a button to click that say's "Show all Content"!!...which I click and everything is shown....If anybody out there who is more "Savvy" about computers than I am and can suggest anything please do that !!.....If not then I suggest that to view my Blog 100% ok use IE....
I would like to get it sorted been looking "Googling" found some suggestions tried them but no luck.....thanks for all the suggestions that you have already made....cheers....Luigi


  1. Hi Luigi

    annonymous Michael here! I commented earlier today about the problems you are having with the blog.

    When I had commented, I still had both the comments section, and the rotating globe, they just were not working. This evening I opened your blog, and both the globe and the comments section are now completely gone. There is just a dotted outline of where those items are meant to be. But there are no more pictures of them now.

    Just wanted to update the status here for you. I don't know if this will help you solve it or not, but more info the better maybe???


  2. Different browser has different results. Try with Chrome or Mozilla.
