Friday 9 November 2018

Blackout !! Shutdown !!

Thanks folks for all your interest and comments but the last two posts only lasted 4 day's so I recon that it's now time to bow out !!...the blog will still be here unless "Blogger" decides to pull the plug and the site vanishes !!...Thanks once again everybody !!!.TA TA...Luigi !!!


  1. Hi Luigi ibdobhope u still return ir al least thinking oficina going private there's Will ve never anothee blog por músic blog like urs Let Is knows if u Will mske new private blog tlif nota Manu u can send me someone música per e mail that be ok too

  2. hi luigi hope u reconsider and go private am sure youll uploads wont get deleted if u do go proivate WE ALL WILL MISS U MUSIC ITS AS I SAID HARD TO FIND U CANT GIVE UP ON U HARD WORK BEFORE NOT TRYING THINK ABOUT IT U MUSIC MEANS A LOT TO MANY , I LOVED ASLL U MUSIC U HAD POsted reconsider

  3. Don't let the buggers grind you down. It could be just a computer glitch. Besides, I like people from Leicestershire.

    Bob in Vancouvedr

  4. Insgree please return Luigi nonother site Is like urs font vive UP return muy friend

  5. Vert sorry to her it Luigi. Many thanks fpr all you have done

    Bob, Cardiff

  6. luigi,

    thank you and bless you for all you have done.
    the memories of music from the past will last forever.


  7. hope u return again u musdic is rthe best

  8. Thank you for all the music!

  9. Thanks, Luigi, you have done well, and many times made me happy because of your caring and sharing of good old 'not-to-be-forgotten' vinyl.

    Best wishes, and keep enjoying your wonderfully therapeutic music.

    Aussie Ian

  10. Ta, Luigi --
    Couldn't put it better than Aussie Ian above did. Will miss the preserved vinyl tunes, good times, and especially our affable, generous host -- you!:)

    All the very best, mate, and THANK YOU so much!

  11. Very,very, very sad!!!!
    Thanks for all the wonderful music, hoping you don't quit.

  12. Thanks for your great work Luigi.
    I appreciated your great taste in music !

  13. hi luigi hope u continue net year dont give just up u music is the best everyone enjoyed it i know they kept dweleting u files but masby u find a place where they dont delete again

  14. Hi, Luigi. Thanks for your great choice and taste from the vinyl era. I deeply hope you'll find the right and new way to return. Don't be cowardly.

  15. Trolls have teenie tiny little... attention spans.

    See you on the other side. :D

  16. Hi, haven't DL much over the past years. But man, really admired the time and effort you made to keep the blog up. Hope you find others things to keep you busy in your retirement. Your a book bloke!

  17. Oh Luigi, I cry for that decision. Thank you for all your hard work and interesting posts.
    I only find out after looking for Peters & Lee album and seeing link is dead.

    Take care friend and enjoy life however you see fit.

  18. Hi.luigi hipertensión u porn new blog next year u will.mske Is happy if u do marco

  19. Hey there anonymous (27 February 2019 at 19:17), you great hero in your own little peanut brain.
    "Death wish"???
    How does it feel to be a sick little puppy with stupid comments like that? It does goes to show that your IQ is far less than your shoesize. I really for your parents that they had to raise you, that must have been a real struggle for them isn't it? Then again, they probably already disowned you as such a sad sack of shit as you are would not be welcome at home.
    Your mum should have swallowed that night you dirtbag, the world would have been better off and at least the sick taste of you in her dogbreath mouth would have gone the next day instead of now having to have you around over the years. Poor woman.
