Thursday 18 July 2019

Jack Jones.

Another fist class L/P from Mr Jones...recorded 1965-66-67 according to the label on the L/P, so I imagine that might be some singles involved....usually the singer and producer of the L/P choose the songs for it and record then all in one go....or the tracks have been lying around for some time and someone decided to create an L/P

3. As Time Goes By.


  1. "Our song" is an italian classic originally written by Umberto Bindi and first sung by the italian diva Ornella Vanoni both in italian (La musica Γ¨ finita) and in english. It was launched in UK together with the version of a young Robert Plant.

    The other italian song of this album is "Oh how much I love you", better known as "Dio come ti amo" sung by Gigliola Cinquetti and also by Domenico Modugno. A huge international hit for Gigliola, in Europe, Japan and South America.
