Sunday 17 November 2019

Pixeldrain ?? is "Pixeldrain" working out for the downloads  ??...I have had some feedback from people saying that its not working for them...Can I have some feedback on this..and if its not working very well will look for a new "Downloader " !!!...ta...Luigi...


  1. Does not seem to work for me....just sits there threatening to download but never comes through.

  2. I just realized I should have been posting my Pixeldrain stuff on this post!

    So I had the same stalling problem - and as soon as I set my VPN to a city outside of the US (I am now using Taiwan), all the downloads worked fine. So perhaps Pixeldrain is blocked in the US, or at least in California, where I am.

    Of course we all have VPN's installed to hide our tracks as we download, right? ;)

    Anyway, hope this helps.

  3. No VPN here, so I can't spoof my location to get pixeldrain to work.

  4. It has been working for me, with the exception of the one Shirley Bassie album

  5. First off, thank you for all of the wonderful music you share!

    Second, yeah, PixelDrain has been miserable for about 10 days now. I click download and nothing happens. I'm in the U.S. I've sent a couple links to a friend in the U.K. who does not have a problem with the site or the links that haven't been working for me. Strange.

  6. Thanks, Luigi for all your wonderful work to share this amazing music. I have the same problem that friends are writing : Pixeldrain is not working. I am in South America, so maybe US and the rest of this part of the world are blocked for pixel. Some chance to try another server ?
    Anyway, thanks a lot for all these years with us.

  7. Pixeldrain works fine in The Netherlands.
    Make sure to disable blockers such as AdBlock, UBlockOrigin, UMatrix etc.

  8. All links working perfect (In Belgium)
    Thanks Luigi
