Thursday 23 January 2020

The Swingle Singers

It’s good to have this “Live 1982 in New York” it helps bridge the gap between the original Swingles and the later ones from the 1990s onwards. Ward Swingle was still a member of the group (he retired in 1984, although he retained the position of musical adviser and sometimes arranger) and on the cover photo he is starting to look, well, maybe not like the grand pop’ of the rest (and the rest look like they’ve just come out of adolescence), but certainly as their dad. But it certainly isn’t something you hear, although, playing by ear (specific credits are not given), it isn’t Swingle who takes the solo part the long solo part in Stevenson’s Romance and the shorter one in Shakespeare’s song (tracks 4 & 5). Gallant of him to have let the spotlight to the youngsters.

   14. Country Dances