Monday 30 March 2020

Randy Newman.

This is the first time I have heard anything by Randy Newman and I think that he has one of those voices that takes a lot of getting used to !....definitely a very individual one !!..and an L/P that might get a few people talking and commenting !!

       2. Bet No One Ever Hurt This Bad


  1. You've *never* heard Randy before? Not "Short People"? Not "I Love L.A."? Not one of the *many* themes he's written and performed for Pixar films like every Toy Story movie? Take a look at his IMDb page to see how much work the guy has done. It's *huge*.

  2. Hi Armpit..yep that's one singer that got away from my ears !!...heard most of his well known songs but didn't realise he was the composer thanks for the info and comment..lets hope more people make more's we have another 11 weeks or maybe more in England of self isolation so it will give me something to occupy me...Thanks...Cheers....Luigi

  3. i'm a big Newman fan and this one is terrific. Try "Sail Away" and "Good Old Boys"
    those are his two best

  4. I tend to agree about his vocals, so I put this together so that we could really hear the quality of the songs.
