Saturday 22 August 2020

Frank Sinatra

One classic iconic L/P that needs no introduction !!
    2. I Thought About You


  1. Ah! Now this is THE Sinatra album where it all came together. Arguably the very best album by any song-interpreter of the 20th century and one which has grown in stature through the years. Together with the follow-up 1957 album "A Swingin' Affair" (which ought perhaps to be considered as a second volume) these are timeless sets on which the man stamps his indelible authority as the greatest popular singer of the last century (and maybe of all time) - someone who is not in danger of being overtaken by anyone else. Yes, there are a great number of his albums, particularly from the Capitol era and a few from his Reprise days, which are mighty powerful arguments that confirm his giant stature and on which he puts everyone else in the shade (if not in the rubbish skip) but 'Songs For Swinging Lovers' is the pinnacle. Many thanks for sharing this, which hopefully will receive a wide audience.
