Tuesday 14 September 2021

The Cool One...VA

This is one of the first CD's that I made when I first got a computer many many many years ago...it has been in the car and played thousands of times hope you like the selection !

        2. Bewitched Bothered And Bewildered

        21. Cuncho


  1. Don't suppose you've got any more Carol Kidd? never heard of her before and really enjoyed the tracks on this album.

  2. Hi Bill..glad you like Carol she is one of my favourite singers...yes i have quite a few CD's of hers and will post them for you later on...in the meantime check this out !!


  3. Thanks for the link to the album, the blog is a nice Brucie bonus.

  4. Great selection! By The way, does anyone know what happened to Cheerful Earfull?

  5. Hi Luigi,

    thanks for the reference to this other blog.
    I will also enjoy listening to this compilation album.

    Thank you.
    Greetings, Erwin.

  6. Hi Rocker...Thanks for the comment glad you enjoyed the compilation...As for the cheerful earfull I am wondering what has happened too...so if anyone has any info that they would like to share i'm sure there will be many folks that followed her blog will be interested...thanks again...cheers...Luigi
