Tuesday 17 May 2022

Sentimental Memories..VA

Relax now let the music flow around your brain as you recall the memories of a slower and not so hectic time !!

           Love Is A Five Letter Word


  1. Hi Copac..Thanks for the comment...Enjoy the music....Cheers Luigi

  2. A friend of mine suggested your blog and from my first visit I found it to be amazing. I want to thank you for giving the opportunity to this collection of mine to become known to a much larger number of music lovers.

  3. Hi Mano...Thanks for you kind comments AND let me thank you for your "Sentimental Memories" I would have acknowledged that it was your selection but I could not remember where I downloaded it from !! Usually I take note of where my downloads come from so I can thank them if I put them on my Blog... but I must have forgotten to do just that...Glad that you are enjoying the music....take care.....Cheers...Luigi..

  4. Thank you for this great collection! Is there a date for this compilation or is it from your personal collection? I always like to date my albums...Thanks, Brad

  5. Hi Brad Thanks for you kind comment...I downloaded this compilation from "Daydreamers Music World"...a while ago... changed the art work so the only date would be 18th May when I posted it...it worth a visit to daydreamers Blog you might find some more interesting Music...Thanks Again....Cheers...Luigi
